Thursday, July 27, 2017

Gone Segment in 20 seconds

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Hackers regularly crack digital gadgets, and now they have reached transport. Recently, a video appeared on the network, on which Segway Minipro leaves uncontrollably from a nearby owner. It turned out that the "focus" was the work of the burglars: a vulnerability in the security system of the segway allows you to deprive the owner of the vehicle in just 20 seconds without having to approach it closely. Evidence of the hacking was provided by Thomas Kilbridge, a consultant to Seattle company IOActive, which specializes in security.
Video hacking can be seen here . The expert stopped one segment on the move, dropping the driver, and another vehicle cracker and did steal in 20 seconds through a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone. At the same time the owner of the scooter was nearby and observed theft.
"After a small update of the system, the attacker bypasses the defense mechanisms and can remotely turn off the segway engine on the go," Thomas explained. - The attacker uses system access to hack the gadget over the wireless network. With the new hacked firmware, a hacker can steal a device, change the colors of the LED backlight and even drop the owner from his transport. 

The hacker said that all segways use the same code for authentication, and for hacking it is enough to download the software distributed on the Internet. Kilbridge also noted that the search function of the nearest drivers in the Ninebot application helps to search for new victims with GPS enabled.

To protect yourself from hacking, a specialist recommended using Bluetooth authentication and hiding your location from others. Kilbridge also advised time to update the software segwayev and stay away from unnecessary remote control functions.

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